About Us

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Neon Info

About Us

Cinema. Culture. Community.

THE NEON is more than just a movie theater; it is a community asset utilized by numerous grassroots organizations, universities, businesses, churches, and artists – all utilizing the power of international and independent cinema.  Open 365 days a year, we are here to serve the entire Greater Dayton community.


We set a high bar of excellence for the films we chose to show - valuing the craftsmanship and significance that film strives to bring to our world.  We have fostered relationships with film distributors and filmmakers, and we look toward film festivals from around the world to inform us as to what new and inspiring films are on the horizon.


We value cinema as a staple of culture and a means of education. THE NEON has cultivated trust and loyalty with our audiences for over 25 years. We are honored to be a cultural institution for the city of Dayton..


THE NEON welcomes everyone.

Relationships are the backbone of what makes THE NEON experience unique, and we endeavor to spread acts of mutual respect and kindness through each interaction.  We aim to communicate with clarity and by example our dedication to making THE NEON a safe space for all to experience community together.

We will not tolerate harassment or disrespectful behavior of any kind and reserve the right to remove or ban any person who does not adhere to these principles.

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History of THE NEON

130 E 5th St in Dayton, Ohio, has been the home of a cinema since the mid-1980s. With the help of CityWide Development, it started as a single-screen, for-profit venture.

Over its first 15 years, THE NEON underwent several changes in ownership and management, but in 2001, the building underwent major renovations and became a twin cinema, with Jonathan McNeal at the helm as Manager. In 22 years, McNeal has seen THE NEON transition to a non-profit 501(c)(3) operation, convert from 35mm to digital projection, mount fundraising campaigns for new seats, projectors, and general operations, and work with numerous organizations and artists to become the region’s premiere independent cinema.

THE NEON was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization in 2019.

Board Members

Through quarterly meetings, THE NEON board sets policies, develops strategic plans for growth and sustainability, provides fiscal oversight, seeks fundraising opportunities, and advocates for the mission of THE NEON in our community.

(Note: The board does not select films to be screened or involve itself in the theater's day-to-day operations.)

  • Steve Budd, President
  • Diana Cordero (non-voting)
  • Ann McDonough
  • Jonathan McNeal (non-voting)
  • Steve Nutt
  • Ann Schenking, Secretary
  • Mark Shaker, Treasurer
  • Brian Sharp
  • Urmee Siraj
  • Megan Smith
  • Sharon White
  • Paul Woodie, Vice President
