Cult Movie Night is excited to return for the month of February celebrating the 1992 cult classic CANDYMAN! CANDYMAN follows Helen, played by Virginia Madsen, a skeptical college student researching a popular urban legend in the Chicago housing projects, known as Cabrini-Green. After learning of a recent murder there, the local residents describe seeing a tall man with a hook for a hand linking him to the murder. Helen gets deeper and more obsessed with the lore when a man resembling the legend starts to stalk her, sending her into the realization that this legend may be all too real. Playing off childhood ghost story urban legends like “Bloody Mary” where you summon the legend in a mirror after repeating their name several times, Candyman is a character brilliantly portrayed by the late, great Tony Todd. Although mainly remembered as Candyman, because it's such an iconic role, Tony Todd had a great career in horror, playing a recurring character in The FINAL DESTINATION movies,THE NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD remake as the lead, and even reprising the Candyman role in 2 sequels before it made way to the Jordan Peele produced remake in 2021 which Tony also made a cameo in. Based on a story by Clive Barker, and featuring a beautifully haunting score by Philip Glass, the birth of a horror icon and Virginia Madsen as the final girl, while exploring themes of racism and injustice through black history, CANDYMAN remains a nearly perfect film and needs to be seen theatrically...just don’t all say his name 5 times. Also featuring trailers, A tribute to Tony Todd, a short film and other surprises. Thursday, February 20th at 7:30pm - Tickets $13 eachCULT MOVIE NIGHT - CANDYMAN showing at: February 20, 7:30 pm

Location: THE NEON130 E 5th St, Dayton, Ohio, 454022

2025-02-20T19:30:00-05:00PT2H2025-02-20T21:37:00-05:00135CULT MOVIE NIGHT - CANDYMAN"