"In 1950s Mexico City, William Lee, an American expat in his late forties, leads a solitary life amidst a small American community. However, the arrival in town of Eugene Allerton, a young student, stirs William into finally establishing a meaningful connection with someone." Directed by Luca Guadagnino (CALL ME BY YOUR NAME, I AM LOVE and CHALLENGERS), this new film starring Daniel Craig is based on the novel by William S. Burroughs.DramaPT2H17MR2024-12-12
Daniel Craig
Drew Starkey
Jason Schwartzman
Lesley Manville
Luca Guadagnino
Luca Guadagnino
Marco Morabito


December 12, 7:30 pm

December 13, 1:30 pm

December 13, 4:30 pm

December 13, 7:30 pm

December 14, 1:30 pm

December 14, 4:30 pm

December 14, 7:30 pm

December 15, 1:30 pm

December 15, 4:30 pm

December 15, 7:30 pm